Call for contributions: sustainable tax systems

Accountancy Europe (AE) is calling for thought leaders in taxation to share their views on the changes necessary to make tax systems fit for the future.

Our current tax systems are struggling to keep up with new business models, ageing demographics, and mobile taxpayers. The coronavirus crisis, climate urgency and social stresses have exacerbated these difficulties. Accountancy Europe believes now is the time to consider how tax systems must be changed to deal with future funding challenges and help develop a sustainable economy.

Calls for contributions will be made on a thematic basis – the first topic to address is taxes and the environment.

AE invite experts in this field to submit their contributions by 30 June 2021 to to help drive forward the policy debate in this area.

Forewords by Benjamin Angel, Director of Direct Tax at the European Commission & Paul Tang MEP, Chair of the FISC Committee of the European Parliament.

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Source : Accountancy Europe

Link : Future-proofing tax: make it green, digital, fair (webinar)

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