
Stabilisation in statutory corporate tax rates worldwide

Statutory corporate tax rates are stabilising worldwide after a lengthy period of falling rates, according to new OECD data released on 11 july 2024 Corporate Tax Statistics shows that average statutory corporate income tax (CIT) rates have remained steady at 21.1% over the past three years. This follows a two-decade period that saw average statutory CIT rates decline from 28% in 2000 to 21.1% in...

Circulaire 2024/C/43 relative à la taxe annuelle sur les opérations d’assurance

L' Administration générale de la Fiscalité – Impôt des sociétés a publié ce 19/06/2024 la Circulaire 2024/C/43 relative à la taxe annuelle sur les opérations d’assurance. Cette circulaire commente les modifications relatives à la taxe annuelle sur les opérations d’assurance qui ont été introduites par la loi du 28.12.2023 portant des dispositions fiscales diverses. ANNEXES : 2 Table des matières I. Introduction II. Textes légaux...

Designing a National Strategy against Tax Crime

Core elements and considerations, the point of view of the OECD into 75 pages Tax crimes negatively affect all countries, developed and developing alike. They obstruct governments’ ability to collect revenue and undermine trust in the legal and financial system which can lead to a wide range of adverse outcomes. Tax crime is often closely linked to other forms of serious domestic and transnational crime,...

EC's DG TAXUD publishes its 2024 work plan

Published on 8 May, EC’s DG TAXUD’s annual work plan for 2024 gives an overview of what to expect from the DG for this year.Highlights Here are some key highlights described in the introduction of this document In 2024, the Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) will continue to support the Commission’s agenda for a fairer, greener an more competitive future....

What we learn from reading the latest annual report on tax inspectors without borders ...

This report reflets upon TIWB’s accomplishments and activities over the period from July 2022 to december 2023.More about TIWB Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB) is a joint initiative of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) supporting countries in building tax audit capacity. TIWB Programmes complement the broader efforts of the international community to strengthen co-operation on...

Parliament signs up for new EU Body for Ethical Standards : a significant first step towards fostering a common culture of integrity and ethics

​On Thursday, the European Parliament approved the creation of a new EU body to strengthen integrity, transparency, and accountability in European decision-making.The essentials - achterground > MEPs have approved agreement between eight EU institutions and bodies> A significant first step towards fostering a common culture of integrity and ethics> Common minimum ethical standards to be developed> Five independent experts to contribute to the body’s work,...

First-stage consultation of social partners on fair telework and the right to disconnect*

On 30 April 2024, the Commission launched the first-stage consultation of European social partners to gather their views on the possible direction of EU action on ensuring fair telework and the right to disconnect. Thanks to digital technologies, many jobs can now be performed remotely. The overall balance is positive, with 60% of workers preferring to work from home for at least part of...

First green light to new bill on firms’ impact on human rights and environment

​On Tuesday, (19/03/2024), the Legal Affairs Committee approved a bill, agreed with EU governments, requiring firms to mitigate their negative impact on human rights and the environment. MEPs on the Legal Affairs Committee adopted with 20 votes for, 4 against and no abstentions new, so-called “due diligence” rules, obliging firms to alleviate the adverse impact their activities have on human rights and the environment, including...

New cyber resilience standards to protect all digital products in the EU from cyber threats.

Resilience Act: MEPs adopt plans to boost security of digital products. New technologies come with new risks, and the impact of cyber-attacks through digital products has increased dramatically in recent years. Consumers have fallen victim to security flaws linked to digital products such as baby monitors, robot-vacuum cleaners, Wi-Fi routers and alarm systems. For businesses, the importance of ensuring that digital products in the supply...

More action needed to tackle disinformation and enhance transparency of online platforms ...

04/03/2024 - As roughly half the world's population prepares to vote in elections, a new OECD report offers the first baseline assessment of how OECD countries are upgrading their governance measures to support an environment where reliable information can thrive, prioritising freedom of expression and human rights, and sets out a policy framework for countries to address the global challenge of disinformation. Facts not fakes:...

FacilitatIng border management and strengthen security : spotlight on the Advance Passenger Information (API)

​Over a billion passengers enter, leave or travel within the EU every year. The increase in the volume of travel showed the need to harmonise the way API data is collected and shared throughout the EU. The new rules will make the data available more efficiently for border and law enforcement authorities, in full respect of EU data protection standards. It will strengthen the prevention,...

EU adopts 13th package of individual and economic sanctions against Russia

​The Council adopted on 23 februari 2024 in view of the second year mark of the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine - a thirteenth package of restrictive measures against Putin’s regime, those who are responsible for perpetuating his illegal, unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression and those who are significantly supporting it.​ Which measures are now included in this new package ?...

Greenwashing: how EU firms can validate their green claims ?

The Internal Market and Environment committees adopted on Wednesday their position on the rules on how firms can validate their environmental marketing claims.In a few words The so-called green claims directive complements the already-approved EU ban on greenwashing. It defines what kind of information companies have to provide to justify their environmental marketing claims in the future. It also creates a framework and deadlines for...

Deal on EU economic governance reform

​EU co-legislators on Saturday provisionally agreed a revamp of EU economic governance making it clearer, investment friendly, more tailored to each country’s situation, and more flexible. Esther De Lange (EPP,NL) said, “ A new economic governance framework was much needed. We have taken our responsibility by ensuring that the new fiscal rules are sound and credible, while also allowing room for necessary investments.” Margarida Marques...

AI Ethics: 8 global tech companies commit to apply to UNESCO’s Recommendation

GSMA, INNIT, Lenovo Group, LG AI Research, Mastercard, Microsoft, Salesforce and Telefonica signed a ground-breaking agreement to build more ethical AI. The companies will integrate the values and principles of UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of AI when designing and deploying AI systems Download the companies’ letter of commitment: linkRecommendation UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence was the world's first, and remains...

Deal on strengthening consumers’ right to repair