OECD Tax and Development Days 2022

Following the success of its first edition in January 2021, the OECD is pleased to host the Second Tax and Development Days on 16-17 February 2022. Due to the ongoing health crisis, the event will be held virtually on Zoom.


All members of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) and key stakeholders are invited to participate, with all sessions also open to the public, allowing a glimpse into the various international tax-related workstreams undertaken by the Inclusive Framework to date. More specifically, the event will provide an update on some of the practical initiatives to strengthen tax capacity and improve tax policy and compliance in developing countries undertaken by the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration.

Day 1 will consist of two parallel rooms ("Room 1" and "Room 2") with three 1-hour sessions in each room. Day 2 will follow the same format. French and Spanish interpretation will be made available. A replay of day 1 and day 2 will also be made available on this page during the week following the event.

How to register ?

Please refer to the schedule below and click on the registration links below each session. Participants may register to multiple sessions (per room) and may change rooms after each 1-hour session. Please note that all times are in CET (Paris time).


In a few words

  • Date: 16-17 February 2022
  • Time: 12:30-16:00 CET (Day 1); 12:30-16:00 CET (Day 2)
  • Meeting type: Virtual event (Zoom)
  • Agenda and session overview: English | Français | Español

Source :OECD, Tax, events, February 2002

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